Got a question? Well you can
hold it, this page has things that people will probably ask me, if you need more advice, PLEASE e-mail me WHENEVER, and I’ll
always TRY my best to answer it! When I’m asked a question, I always try to answer back ASAP, because it can be very
important, and it’s just better to answer back ASAP because everyone likes to know things right after they send it!
So check this page for some question, and one could be one you ask, but they are not all detailed! So feel free to e-mail
for the complete, best answer!
Q: How do I tame my guinea
A: Remembering that cavies
are timid and spooky by nature will help you to tame them. Keep holding your cavy or cavies everyday, one at a time if you
have more than one cavy, and just spend time with them, while holding them pet them, give them their favorite treats(s), and
any other things you want to do with them! After a little while, they'll trust you, but NEVER does a cavy trust anyone ALL
the way, they'll still run away from you at times!
Q: What's a good place to
get bedding, food, etc. in bulk for a good price:
A: The Feedstore! Go down
to your local feestore and check the price of the stuff- which shouldn't be a lot of money- and get what you need in the bulk
And More FAQ to come!